This seed also has lots of cool terrain to explore, including savannah, taiga, plains, and desert. One blacksmith has superior loot, with a saddle, emeralds, an iron helmet and ingots, ink sacks and bread. In the nearby desert, there's a massive Minecraft village to explore, with two blacksmiths, each with decent loot. If you dig straight down, you'll find gold, coal, iron, and Redstone. This Minecraft PE seed spawns you in a bland biome on the side of a hill. Your spawn point is on the other side of the river, but you need to get to the village as quickly as possible, to prevent the blacksmith from catching the chests on fire. The surrounding landscape has rivers, mountains, and deserts I explored with my nephew. This massive Minecraft seed has a triple village, with two blacksmiths, set on a savannah biome. This seed works in both 0.90x and 0.10x and is a Minecraft PE 0.10.5 seed (Infinite). They'll give you something more important to do, while you travel around from place-to-place. The Minecraft PE seeds here are the best for lazy people on the go.