no mini-competition? I would recommend having a conversation with the licensee to tell them what you intend to do. Can a multi-supplier framework contain a term for a direct call of premiums to a supplier, i.e. We arrived under increasing financial pressure from the authority and were also delivering a bigger contract for them, we managed to end, but we could see that things went wrong applied to the Council to renew our framework agreements, the authority gave contradictory reasons why they were NOT ready to novate, including risk to local suppliers who were protecting exactly what we tried to protect by contact. (a) applying the conditions set out in the framework agreement without reopening competition or We have worked for many years for a local authority, and it has been up to 95% of our work, on accountants, we went limited 18 months ago and kept our individual business running, as this maintained our accreditation etc. (b) if all the terms of the proposed contract are not defined in the framework agreement, re-open competition between the economic operators who are parties to this framework agreement and who are able to execute the proposed contract in accordance with paragraphs 8 and 9. You can conduct it with the intention of assigning a single supplier framework, but you must put the offer back on the market for reasons of transparency and fairness.

Unfortunately, you should proceed with another full tender. Numerous case studies have shown that, year after year, the framework offers better value. Executives have been used and tested for more than a decade in the private sector and, more recently, in some local authorities. Unlike mini-competitions, there is no clause or declaration allowing the supplier to enter into a direct call contract. The framework in question merely suggests that a contracting authority can award the contract to the supplier that is economically most advantageous for goods and/or services. However, the rules are less clear for automatic rewards, i.e.