Proximity Buff complete! Feel free to add extras to the new buff like Autonomy, Decay Rates, etc. If you’re happy with your trait, then all you have to do is click on Export Package and test! I want my Brave Sims to get the proximity buff when near Evil Sims, so I’ll need to Create my Own. Test Conditions (Skip for now to Create your own Test Conditions) – This is the condition that’s required for the buff to appear.Click Trait > Components, then next to Proximity Buffs click Create (the “plus” icon):.These moodlets/buffs become active when the Sim is around another Sim who meets specific conditions. Enter a Resource Name, then click Create Resource:.Next to Continuous Loot Controller, click Create (the “plus” icon): These moodlets/buffs are continuous and only appear under set conditions. Occasional Buff complete! Feel free to add extras to the new buff like Autonomy, Decay Rates, etc. If you’re happy with your trait, then all you have to do is click on Export Package and test!

If set higher, the buff will appear less. This keeps the buff from being applied repeatedly. Time (in sim minutes) in which the buff will not be valid for.